Shelby Vincent
Shelby Vincent is a Deaf Educator with a specialization in Listening and Spoken Language. Originally from Los Angeles, California she received her undergraduate degree in Communication Disorder from California State University, Chico and received her Master’s degree in Communication Disorders and Deaf Education from Utah State University in 2018. She is excited to call the Pacific Northwest her new home and working with Listen and Talk. As a Birth to Three Specialist, she enjoys going into the families home and seeing not only the children grow in their listening and spoken language skills, but also the family! In her spare time, she enjoys being active whether that be in a gym on weekdays or out adventuring her new home in the PNW through hikes and kayaking.
Other Members

Ariele Matkov

Heather Uberti, MS.Ed.

Rebecca Tumbarello

Cass Fogelstrom, M.Ed, LSLS Cert. AVEd

Kara Gordon B.S. DHH Ed.

Maura Berndsen MA, CED, LSLS Cert. AVT

Jenny Ignacio MS.Ed, LSL Cert AV Ed

Maria Chomyszak

Kelsey Wood

Jeremy Fellows

Matt Nutini

Tara Ellis M.Ed, M.S., CCC-A

Mona Oster Ph.D., CED, LSLS cert. AVT

Daniel Zeitler

Arnold Morales

Deb Masters

Mary Culp

Ellis Webb

Monica Gustaveson

Roxanne Chandler M.S., LSLS Cert. AVEd

Christine Teteak MA, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT

Kora Lisak MS CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT

Olivia Ponzetti

Kristin Wilson MA, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT

Martina Farova

Margie Roe

Alice (Ally) Lewis

Terri Jones

Christie Rexroth Au.D., CCC-A

Andrea Kayyali

Kim Hamren, M.Ed, CED, LSLS Cert. AVT.

Marybeth Fowler

Meghan Trocinski

Mark Fowler

Kristin Hill

Latife Lacin

Julie Russell

Neesee Rowan

Danielle Clarkson