
About Listen and Talk


Listen and Talk is a specialized listening and spoken language program that has been delivering life-changing results for families with children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing for over 25 years.

Our goal is to provide each child with the skills needed to have meaningful relationships and learn by listening to the world around them. As a listening and spoken language service provider, we coach each family and work with each child so they can reason, think independently and communicate their thoughts with intelligible speech without the need for an interpreter.

Listen and Talk students enrolled in our listening and spoken language programs become self-advocates. We empower children to enter social situations and problem solve with confidence.

Our listening and spoken language program “graduates”:

  • Enter their neighborhood school by kindergarten
  • Learn and compete side-by-side with hearing peers in regular classrooms
  • Converse and learn through spoken and written language
  • Reach their full language and learning potential and fully integrate into the wider community

Listen and Talk is a proud member of Option Schools.

Interested in learning more? Let’s connect!

Child enrolled in Listen and Talk's listening and spoken language programs

By The Numbers




Maria Chomyszak is the Finance and Operations Director at Listen and Talk. She is a white women with short grey hair and she is wearing glasses.

Maria Chomyszak

Finance and Operations Director
Tara Ellis is the Birth to Three Director at Listen and Talk and an audiologist

Tara Ellis M.Ed, M.S., CCC-A

Birth to Three Program Director
Mona Oster is the Education and Research Director at Listen and Talk. She leads our preschool for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Mona Oster Ph.D., CED, LSLS cert. AVT

Education and Research Director
Martina Farova is the office manager and bookkeeper at Listen and Talks early development program for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Martina is a white woman with brown red hair. She is wearing glasses and a pink shirt.

Martina Farova

Office Manager and Bookkeeper
Christie Rexroth is an Audiology Coordinator at Listen and Talk's Audiology program.

Christie Rexroth Au.D., CCC-A

Audiology Coordinator
Kristin Hill is an Administrative Assistant at Listen and Talk. She is a white woman with blonde hair and she is wearing glasses.

Kristin Hill

Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Neesee Rowan is the office Adminstrator at Listen and Talk

Neesee Rowan

Office Administrator

Birth to Three

Photo of a fair skinned woman with blue eyes and long brown hair wearing a navy blue patterned blouse.
Photo of a fair skinned woman with blue eyes and long blonde hair wearing a white t-shirt and black plaid jacket.

Kora Lisak MS CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT

Birth to Three Specialist

Olivia Ponzetti

Birth to Three Specialist
Shelby Vincent

Shelby Vincent

Birth to Three Specialist
Photo of a woman with light skin and grey shoulder length straight hair wearing glasses. She is wearing a collared purple patterned shirt.
Photo of a fair skinned woman with blue eyes and long dark blonde hair wearing a grey t-shirt and purple vest.

Marybeth Fowler

Birth to Three Specialist
Meghan Trocinski is a birth to three specialist at listen and talk

Meghan Trocinski

Birth to Three Specialist
Photo of a man who is bald with light skin and a grey beard and mustache wearing glasses. He is wearing a collared striped blue shirt over a red t-shirt.

Mark Fowler

Birth to Three Administrative Assistant

Blended Classrooms

Mary Culp is an educational assistant at listen and talk who works with deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers

Mary Culp

Educational Assistant
Ariele Matkov is a classroom coordinator and teacher of the deaf at listen and talk

Ariele Matkov

Teacher of the Deaf / Classroom Coordinator
Kelsey Wood is a Teacher of the Deaf at Listen and Talk's preschool program for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Kelsey Wood

Teacher of the Deaf
Jeremy Fellows is a Teacher of the Deaf at Listen and Talk.

Jeremy Fellows

Associate Teacher
IMG_3796 2

Matt Nutini

Associate Teacher
Photo of a fair skinned woman with blue eyes and brown curly shoulder length hair wearing a burnt orange asymmetrical shirt.

Monica Gustaveson

Educational Assistant
Margie Roe is an Educational Assistant at Listen and Talk's blended classroom preschool program for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. She is a white woman wearing glasses and a pink shirt. She has blonde hair.

Margie Roe

Educational Assistant
TerriB2023-3 (1)

Terri Jones

Educational Assistant
Andrea Kayyali is the Audiology Technician at Listen and Talk's audiology center.

Andrea Kayyali

Associate Teacher, Blended Classroom Program
Daniel Clarkson is an Educational Assistant in Listen and Talk's Blended Classroom Preschool for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. She is a white woman with long brown hair with highlights.

Danielle Clarkson

Educational Assistant

Listening and Spoken Language Therapy

Sara Manning is a Listening and Spoken Language Therapist at Listen and Talk. She is a white woman with brown hair and she is wearing a black shirt.

Sara Manning

Listening and Spoken Language Therapist


Christie Rexroth is an Audiology Coordinator at Listen and Talk's Audiology program.

Christie Rexroth Au.D., CCC-A

Audiology Coordinator


Rebecca Tumbarello

Rebecca Tumbarello

Outreach Coordinator
Kara Gordon is a Teacher of the Deaf in Listen and Talk's preschool program for children who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Kara Gordon B.S. DHH Ed.

Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf