Listen and Talk’s vision is that no child is limited by hearing loss as we ensure that families and their children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing have access to learning how to communicate and learn using listening and spoken language.
Our non-profit organization appreciates any and all planned gifts we receive. Planned Giving can be as simple as adding language to your will or specifying that you’d like Listen and Talk to be a beneficiary. Your gift will help deaf and hard-of-hearing children grow up being able to communicate using listening and spoken language from birth to bright futures.

Planned Giving Options
Please communicate with your financial advisor for guidance on your planned giving options as some gifts won’t cost you anything and others might result in a tax benefit. See below for some common options:
- Annuities
- Individual Retirement Accounts
- Life Insurance
- Other Financial Accounts
- Wills and Trusts
Planned Giving Sample Language
If and when you decide to name Listen and Talk in your will, you can use the following language:
“I give to Listen and Talk, a nonprofit corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington and located in Kirkland, Washington, or legal successor there to (insert the dollar amount, percent portion of the estate, description of property or “the sum of money, rest residue and remainder of my estate,”), to be used for its general tax-exempt purposes and without other restrictions as to use.”
Note that you should always consult with your attorney before modifying your will.
Contact Our Team
Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time to discuss planned giving. We can be reached by calling 206-985-6646 or emailing Executive Director Maura Berndsen. Thank you for considering our non-profit organization.