Mona Oster Ph.D., CED, LSLS cert. AVT
Mona Oster is the Education and Research Director at Listen and Talk. She leads our preschool for deaf and hard of hearing children.
Mona first joined Listen and Talk in 2004 after completing a masters in Early Intervention in Deaf Education at Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri. She completed her Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Washington in 2018. Mona studied infant hearing development.
Mona is passionate about Listen and Talk’s vision: that no child is limited by hearing loss. Her teaching practices are focused on the development of the whole child. She focuses on auditory development as the foundation of learning. Mona strongly believes that parents are the most important teachers of their children.
For fun, Mona likes to read a good novel. She loves to explore Seattle and the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and two sons.